14 September 2022

Online Services: Improving usability and trust

A TDL roundtable discussion


14 September 2022


Online and in-person
The Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels

The growth of online services over the last 15-20 years has been, to say the least, dramatic at every socio-economic level conceivable. Digital technology is changing people’s lives and the EU’s digital strategy aims to make this transformation work for people and businesses. A Europe fit for the digital age is one of the Commission’s six political priorities, aiming to empower people with a new generation of technologies.

However, the widespread everyday dependency on the digital market has had some negative consequences. The usability and trustworthiness of online services and the Internet itself has been undermined by highly visible accounts of cyber-attacks and contraventions of individuals’ data protection and privacy rights.

At one extreme, the constant intrusion of cookie and tracking requests heightens the sense of a surveillance society and, at another, popular myths and speculation surrounding the implications of the use AI are often seen as threatening.

The afternoon’s roundtable will start to address this broad range of topics that are relevant to both technical and non-technical audiences with a view to starting a conversation.

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14.00 Welcome:

  • Martin Friedrich Reinhardt, Head of Unit,  Affairs of the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and for Sports, Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU
  • Amardeo Sarma, General Manager, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH

14.10 Roundtable discussion:  Online services: Improving usability and trust

Opening speakers:

  • Finn Myrstad, Director of Digital Policy, Norwegian Consumer Council
  • Sebastian Pape, Security and Privacy Manager, Continental AG
  • David Goodman, Senior Consultant, Trust in Digital Life and Principal Consulting Analyst, TechVision Research

Moderator: Amardeo Sarma, General Manager, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH

16.00 Close

The presentations given and audio recording of the event is found here.